Tuesday, January 24, 2017

About Yaha Fula Na Khilecha

Lyrics: Jitendra Bardewa
Music: Sharan Pradhan
Singer: Aruna Lama

Jitendra Bardewa wrote Yaha Fula Na Khilecha and Sharan Pradhan composed it. Aruna Lama recorded the song in the early 1960s. It is one of the earliest songs, if not the first song, recorded by Aruna Lama.

एक रात थियो भर्खरकै थियो - jitendra bardewa

एक रात थियो भर्खरकै थियो
उसँग मेरो प्रीत
म मुस्काउँदथेँ उ लजाउँदथी
त्यो रात नै उजेलो थियो
म छेउ सर्दथेँ, उ पर सर्दथी
त्यो भेट नै मौन थियो

Jitendra Bardewa: Jaded and faded too soon!By: PETER J KARTHAK

The season: The last Dashain day in the 1980s. 
The place: Chowk Bazaar of Darjeeling. 
The time: Nine pm. The persona: Jitendra Bardewa and Deo Prakash Rai.

Friday, January 13, 2017

संक्षिप्त जीवनी: जितेन्द्र बर्देवा

जन्म मिति: ८ मार्च, १९४२ साल ब्रिटिश भारत
स्थान: गिग कमान, दार्जिलिङ
देहान्त: २ जुलाई १९९५

Jitendra Bardewa Songs Youtube Playslist